CRHEA | Columbia Region Healthcare Engineers Association

Encouraging and assisting members in developing their knowledge and competence in the field of healthcare and engineering management.

CRHEA provides a forum for exchange of ideas and information through regular meetings and educational programs.

If you have questions about our website, need assistance, please contact us. Thank you!

CRHEA Calendar

November 21, 2024: November Chapter Meeting
> more
December 12, 2024: CRHEA Annual Holiday Cruise
Aboard the Willamette Star. Boarding Time: 6:15 PM
> more
January 16, 2025: January Chapter Meeting
> more
October 21 - 24: ASHE Region 10 Conference
Location: Boise Centre | Boise, Idaho
> ASHE Region 10 Conference Flyer


OSHE 2024 Logo Design Competition
OSHE is excited to announce the 2024 Logo Design Competition! We’re counting on OSHE members to bring the vision and creativity by putting forward your ideas for our new logo. Our goal is to modernize the OSHE brand with a clean look and feel for its logo and brand colors. OSHE’s strength comes from our members, and we’re putting its new look in your hands.

Not an artist? Yeah, neither are we. Your design can be as simple as a cocktail napkin drawing or a designer-inspired graphic. No matter the skill level, we want to see your idea and will help with the finishing touches. In the coming weeks, look for more details on contest rules, deadlines and when you can expect to see the big reveal!

Watch the Webinar: "Empowerment through Education: Two Uniquely Progressive Internal Staff Training Programs"
This webinar recording explores how two health care systems empowered their facilities engineering staff through internal education and training specific to their job competencies and more. > more

OSHE Membership Renewal Application
Board of Directors & Trustees

Regional Healthcare Engineering Groups

OSHE (Oregon Society for Healthcare Engineering):  http://OSHE.us